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Mindfulness Strategies

Settling the Mind

The Setup:

Sit in any posture that allows you to be alert, comfortable and relaxed at the same time. Best to close your eyes too…


Anchoring (1 Minute):

For one minute, bring gentle attention to the breath, or the body, or any object. If you start to think of other things, bring your attention back to the present moment.


Resting (1 Minute):

For the next minute, rest the mind. “There is nowhere to go and nothing to do for this one moment, except to rest.”


Being (1 Minute):

For the next minute, shift from doing to being. Sitting without agenda. Just sit and experience the present moment, for the duration of one minute.

The sense of sound – Chime & Sound exercise

Strike the chime and listen closely to the vibration of the ringing sound.

Hear the noise, focus on it. When you can no longer hear the sound of the bell, remain silent for one minute, this time paying close attention to the other sounds you hear once the ringing has stopped.

Notice sounds during that minute.

Why don’t we hear them that often?

Walking Mindfully

Be sure to have enough space

Be silent

Focus your eyes on ground in front of you.

Adjust your posture to feel upright.

Bring your attention to your feet and feel the contact with the floor.

Remain aware of how your balance shifts around and your weight moves from one leg to the next.

Bring your attention back should it start to wonder.

Tummy Breathing

Use a stuffed animal or paperback book or other object (to hand).

Lie down on the floor and place the stuffed animal or object on your belly.

Breathe, but not to control the speed of your breathe.

In silence, for one minute notice how your tummy toy/object moves up and down.

Consider any other sensations that you notice.

Should thoughts come into your mind, try to imagine these thoughts turning into bubbles and floating away.

The Squish & Relax Meditation

Invite the children to lie down with their eyes closed, or sit comfortably.

Invite them to squish and squeeze every muscle in their bodies as tightly as they can and hold this tight for 5 seconds.

Next, ask them to release and to relax these muscles, to breathe normally and notice the difference in the muscles.

The Sense of Touch

Use an object to touch, such as:

  • a ball,

  • a feather,

  • a leaf

  • a soft toy,

  • a stone, etc.

close your eyes and describe what the object feels like.

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