01582 621514
Pickford Hill, Harpenden, AL5 5HL
Sauncey Wood Primary School
'Growing Curious Minds'
For all enquiries please contact our school office team

We follow the agreed Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) admission policy which likes all children to start school in September. Parents are very welcome to view the school by making an appointment with the Headteacher. Please call our office on 01582 621 514.
You can check if the school has any vacancies in your desired year group by clicking here
If you would like to apply, you can find more information on the Herts Direct Website.
All appeals for places in our school are received and managed by Herts County Council. Further information cab be found by clicking here.
Families joining throughout the school year are warmly welcomed and are invited to visit the school. We do accept children from outside of the school catchment area (Harpenden).
When you accept a Reception place at the school you will be invited to attend an information evening followed by Transition day and Pre-visit sessions. Children starting in September will visit towards the end of the Summer Term.
Starting School
When your child starts in Reception, they will attend for mornings for approximately the first week of school whilst staff build relationships, help the children to settle and carry out home visits. The class teacher is always available to discuss how your child is settling in and ways to support at home.
You may want to read our parent handbook for further information.